Pakistan's Weekly Prices Drop: What It Means for YouPakistan's Weekly Prices Drop: What It Means for You

Making Sense of the Weekly Price Changes

Recently, Pakistan has seen a drop in weekly prices. Let’s break it down.

What’s the Deal with SPI?

SPI, or Sensitive Price Indicator, tells us how prices are changing. And guess what? It went down by 1.13% last week. That’s a good sign!

Who’s Feeling the Impact?

We checked different income groups. From low to high earners, everyone’s seeing lower prices. Great news, especially for folks on tighter budgets!

What’s Cheaper Now?

Good News at the Grocery Store

Prices of 17 items dropped last week. Onions, flour, and sugar got cheaper. Your wallet will thank you!

Looking Back, Looking Forward

Comparing prices from last year, some things are cheaper now, like cooking oil and vegetable ghee. Others, like chilies powder, are pricier.

Wrapping It Up

So, what’s the takeaway? Lower prices mean more money in your pocket. Keeping an eye on these changes helps us all plan better. Here’s to more affordable groceries and a brighter financial future!

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