Pakistan's Mosquito Control Expertise: A Hope for Africa 2024Pakistan's Mosquito Control Expertise: A Hope for Africa 2024

In a remarkable achievement, Pakistan has been chosen to lead an International Exchange Programme aimed at enhancing mosquito surveillance and control in Africa. With its wealth of experience and advanced techniques, Pakistan is set to empower nine African countries in combating the menace of malaria-spreading mosquitoes.

The Directorate of Malaria Control (DoMC) in Pakistan, backed by the Ministry of National Health Services, will spearhead this initiative. The focus will be on sharing insights and best practices gained from decades of combating Anopheles stephensi, a notorious malaria vector.

Anopheles stephensi, originally prevalent in South Asia and the Middle East, has now spread its wings to Africa, causing concern in countries like Djibouti, Nigeria, Kenya, Somalia, and Sudan. What makes this mosquito particularly dangerous is its ability to thrive in urban areas, posing a new challenge to malaria control efforts in Africa.

However, Pakistan’s expertise in mosquito control, coupled with its robust research infrastructure, offers a ray of hope for African nations. Decision-makers and influencers from affected African countries will visit Pakistan to learn from its experiences and establish partnerships for collaborative research and control efforts.

This exchange program marks the beginning of a long-term partnership aimed at curbing the spread of Anopheles stephensi in Africa. Additionally, Pakistan will host an international training course on Molecular Mosquito Identification, further strengthening capacity-building efforts.

Young entomologists from Pakistan are also being groomed to play a pivotal role in mosquito surveillance and control. Selected candidates will receive training in mosquito identification techniques and will be encouraged to contribute to ongoing research efforts.

Through this collaborative effort, Pakistan aims to not only assist African countries in tackling the mosquito menace but also to pave the way for future initiatives aimed at safeguarding public health on a global scale.

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