Is Vaping Really Safer Than Smoking? Experts Find Hidden RisksIs Vaping Really Safer Than Smoking? Experts Find Hidden Risks

You might have heard that vaping is a safer option compared to smoking cigarettes. But recent studies are making us question if that’s really true. Even though vaping is advertised as a way to get nicotine without the harmful effects of smoking, new evidence suggests it might not be as safe as we thought, especially for young people.

What the Studies Say

Scientists from University College London and the University of Innsbruck looked into the effects of vaping and smoking on our cells. They found some worrying changes in our DNA that could lead to cancer, similar to what happens when you smoke cigarettes.

Understanding the Dangers

Vaping might seem harmless because it doesn’t have the immediate bad effects of smoking. But experts warn us not to overlook the risks. Recent findings show that vaping could still cause health problems, like changes in our genes, even if they’re not as severe as smoking.

Taking Action for Public Health

Even though Cancer Research UK says there’s no proof that vaping causes cancer, we’re seeing more and more young people vaping. That’s why experts are calling for stricter rules and better education about the dangers of vaping, especially for kids.

What Needs to Happen

In the end, we need to focus on keeping everyone healthy. As we learn more about vaping, it’s clear that we can’t ignore the risks. We need to make sure that everyone knows the truth about vaping and that we’re taking steps to protect our health, now and in the future.

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