Celebrating Pakistan Day at Wagah border 2024Celebrating Pakistan Day at Wagah border 2024

Pakistan Day festivities at the Wagah border are nothing short of a mesmerizing spectacle, drawing crowds from far and wide to witness the vibrant celebrations. This year, amidst the cheerful atmosphere, Core Commander Lahore, Lieutenant General Syed Amir Raza, graced the occasion as the honored chief guest.

The event, organized by Punjab Rangers, featured a splendid flag hoisting parade at the Joint Check Post Wagah. Lieutenant General Syed Amir Raza, adorned with the prestigious Hilal Imtiaz Military honor, received a warm welcome from Major General Muhammad Atif bin Akram, Director General of Pakistan Rangers (Punjab).

The parade, a display of patriotism and precision, left spectators in awe as the Rangers showcased their skills with enthusiasm and flair. The audience, swept up in the excitement, filled the air with cheers and chants of “Allah hu Akbar” and “Pakistan Zindabad.”

With its vibrant imagery and captivating energy, the Pakistan Day celebrations at Wagah border truly exemplify the spirit of unity and national pride.

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