Australia Makes it Tougher for Foreign Students to Get Visas:Australia Makes it Tougher for Foreign Students to Get Visas:

What You Need to Know

If you’re thinking of studying in Australia, there are some new rules you should know about. The government is making it harder for foreign students to get visas, and here’s what’s changing:

What’s Changing?

Before, it was easier for students from other countries to come to Australia. But now, the government wants to control the number of people coming in. So, they’re making the rules stricter.


One big reason is that too many people are moving to Australia. This is causing problems, especially with finding places to live. The government wants to slow down the number of new people coming in.

What You Need to Do

If you’re planning to study in Australia, you’ll need to prove that you’re good at English. They’re also going to check if the school you’re going to is following the rules. And if you’re just coming to work, it’s going to be harder to get a visa.

What’s Next?

The government is also saying that if you’re here on a visit, you can’t stay too long. They’re putting limits on how long you can stay to make sure people don’t overstay their welcome.

What About COVID Rules?

During COVID, the government made some rules easier for students. But now, they’re going back to the old rules. This means students might not be able to work as much as before.

How It Affects Housing

Because so many people are coming to Australia, finding a place to live is getting harder. With more people looking for homes, prices are going up. This makes it tough for everyone, including locals.

What the Minister Says

The person in charge of all these rules says they’re doing it to help. They want to make sure there’s enough room for everyone and that people aren’t taking advantage of the system.

Australia is changing its rules to make sure there’s a balance. They want to make it fair for everyone who wants to come here, but also make sure there’s enough space and resources for everyone. So, if you’re thinking of studying or visiting Australia, make sure you know the new rules!

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